Palemene o Samoa

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Today, we bid a heartfelt farewell to Li’omatua Erosi Koria, our esteemed Manager for Community Relations Service at the Office of the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.

Li’omatua Erosi has dedicated years of service to strengthening the connection between Parliament and the Community, ensuring that the voice of the people remains at the heart of our Legislative work. His commitment, wisdom, and unwavering passion for public service have left an indelible mark on our institution.

We express our deepest gratitude for his invaluable contributions and leadership. While his presence will be greatly missed, his legacy of service and dedication will continue to inspire us.

Faafetai tele lava, Li’omatua Erosi! We wish you all the best in you next chapter. May this new journey bring you joy and fulfilment.


The Hon. Speaker of Parliament welcomes the Secretary General of Commonwealth Parliament Association, Mr Stephen Twigg during CHOGM24.

Standing Committee Meeting: Conference of Speakers on Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth (CSPOC)