Palemene o Samoa

Notice to Visitors: We are pleased to share that most of the information on the Parliament's website is accurate and verified. We are still in the process of uploading remaining content and refining the layout and design for a better user experience. We appreciate your patience as we continue to improve the site. Thank you for visiting!

Welcome to:

Parliamentary Business

Explore the key legislative actives, including bills, acts and regulations, committee reports, hansards, order papers and etc...

Bills, Acts and Regulations

Welcome to the Bills, Acts and Regulations. Bills (draft law) are proposals to make a new law or to change an existing one. If the Legislative Assembly agrees to...

Parliamentary Committee Reports

Welcome to the Parliamentary Committee Reports. Parliamentary Committees are small groups of MPs that examine issues referred to...


Welcome to the Hansard. Here you can read the official report of debates in the Legislative Assembly...

Order Papers

Welcome to the Order Paper Listing. All Assembly business for each sitting day is set out in the Order Paper. The order in which items appear on the Order Paper is governed by the...

Parliamentary Papers

Many different types of papers are presented to Parliament by bodies outside Parliament. Most are presented because such bodies are required to do so either by law or...

Pre-sitting & Parliamentary Summary

Welcome to the Pre-sitting and sitting summaries. A Pre-sitting is a day scheduled for a Member seminar to brief them on the Bills that will be tabled in the sitting...